Monday, December 28, 2009

Are you up for the...Pedometer Challenge!!

This month we want everyone moving.

Remember to sign up now for the pedometer challenge which starts on January 4th. There are only a few days left!!! We want everyone to get involved. If you knew how much steps/energy you expended in a normal day, would you be compelled to do more? We feel that knowing this info is a crititcal step in the right direction to improved health. Great New Year's Resolutions can be accomplished with this challenge of just increasing the amount you walk. Commit!

Stop by the office on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (December 28, 29, 30) or last chance on Monday (January 4) to get registered, receive your gift bag and pedometer. For your convenience, below is more information on this challenge.

Thursday January 14th at 6:30 PM - Don't miss it! Dr. Cynowa is doing a special event on "Tired of Wondering if Exercise Does Any Good?" You will receive the motivation you need with this discussion on Exercise/Fitness and why you need to move. Exercises and stretches will be taught using the exercise ball and exercise bands so you can develop your own routine at home. Dr. Cynowa will also be discussing the role the central nervous system plays in exercise and daily activities. Bonus for attendees only: $5 off the purchase of your stability ball! Plus a demonstration for exercises to do with your new ball.
January Only Sale:
55 cm stability ball $25
65 cm stability balls $25

More Info on the Pedometer Challenge...
On January 4, 2010, Complete Wellness Chiropractic is partnering with Tega Cay Parks & Recreation and Piedmont Medical Center to offer our patients, families and friends the “TEGA CAY PEDOMETER CHALLENGE”!

“10,000 Steps a Day”

While the Tega Cay Pedometer Challenge does involve an age/gender group competition, the most important aspect of the Challenge is to facilitate a smart and healthy approach to becoming more active.
Whether you are out to win your age category or simply increase you fitness- always consult with a physician before beginning a new exercise program.

· Most people only take 3,000 steps a day.
· Walking an additional 7,000 steps a day offers significant healthy benefits, cutting the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis.
· 10,000 steps is a goal many achieve whatever the starting point.
· It is unrealistic to go immediately to 10,000 for someone who has not been active.
· It is important to improve gradually and in line with your limitations.
To Get Started:

· Sign up at the front desk or
· Email us at wellness or
· Call 704-899-5000 or 1-866-400-8480
· $5.00

· Your very own pedometer and Tracking chart to monitor your progress.
· Tracking and recognition of all individuals who reach their milestones
· A Heath Fair to wrap up the challenge, announcement of winners and vendor giveaways.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Our way of helping others and giving back.

Imagine the following...You hear a dispute going on late at night at a neighbors house followed by police sirens and flashing lights.  You continue to see the lights outside for the next 30 minutes and then silence.  You later come to find out that there was a domestic dispute and potential abuse to a young child.  Where did that child go?  Well, typically they are taken by police to the department of social services sometimes in the middle of the night wearing only their pajamas .  If the department of social services cannot find a foster family that night, the Children's Attention Home is contacted to see if they have 1 of their 42 beds open to take another child on. 

Recently my staff and I were very fortunate to have come across this organization that we now feel very passionate about.  The Children's Attention Home in Rock Hill, SC.  After going and visiting the Attention Home, it would be hard to fully explain the love and dedication all the staff and volunteers had towards these kids and my feelings as well.  The Children's Attention Home is a place for neglected, abused or abandoned children who have been removed from their homes.  These children from infants to teenagers typically stay at the home on average for 90 days.  The Home has its own school for those up to 8th grade including kindergarten.  Those in high school are transferred to the local high school until court decisions can be made for where they will go.  I will not give you the statistics on child abuse and neglect, but after reading them I was appalled and realized the need for such a place.

This December we have taken on the Children's Attention Home as our own and are donating, with the help of our patients, as many gift cards for the kids as we can.  Angel Tree is taking care of all the Christmas presents for the kids so the director at the Home stated that the best thing they need are things to take their children's minds off current situations.  She stated that gift cards to pizza places, bowling alleys, movie theaters, or clothing stores are very useful. 

For the entire month of December we decided that in exchange for a $20 gift card to any of the above places, we will give anyone new to our office their first day exam and visit for no charge.  At the end of the month we will be taking all our gift cards down to donate to the children. 

We didn't want to leave our current patients out either, so this week all day on Thursday, December 17th, all current patient will get their adjustment for the same exchange of a $20 gift card to be donated the Attention Home.

Of course anyone who wants to give a donation is more than welcome to at anytime.  I included their website as well for those of you looking for more info or other ways to donate to such a great place.

We really appreciate all your help.  We feel that just like us 1 month ago, if we are not telling others about great places like this, many will not know and many kids will not get the help the need and deserve.  Thanks again.

~Dr. Cynowa and Staff

Monday, November 30, 2009

Swine Flu Summary as of 12-1-09

If you have been following my fan page you have seen an extensive amount of swine flu information. For those of you on my blog, this is a very good summary of the current information out there. Enjoy the read!
~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's my birthday!

This Friday is my birthday and to say the least I am very excited about it. I love birthdays, mine and everyone else's! To keep it short and sweet I wanted to do something for all those who follow me on my blog. If you are not local I apoligize. Anyone who comes in this friday 11/13/09 for an adjustment will receive their adjustment at no charge! If you have not been in the office, I will also extend this offer to all new patient visits as well. Normall over a $280 value, at no charge to you! One day only and no rainchecks so don't miss out! Just our way of giving back to all our great patients and friends. Make sure to mention that you read it here though!

~Dr. Cynowa

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

YouTube Page!

We are up and running with YouTube!
Just wanted to make sure everyone knew we have a You \Tube page and will be updating it often as new health topics surface and old ones re-emerge. Make sure to take a look!
The link below will take you to our YouTube page!
~Dr. Cynowa

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bad Posture; Bad Thoughts

Study reports how posture affects your thoughts and confidence!

This is a very fun study that may have you thinking slightly more next time you are slouching down in your chair at school or work.

Towards the end of the article Petty made an interesting point: "That suggests people's thoughts are influenced by their posture, even though they don't realize that is what's happening."

Subtleties in posture are controlled by your unconscious mind. You can be aware that your shoulders are slouched forward and correct them. As soon as your mind or attention is occupied by something else, your shoulders go right back to where they were without you realizing it.

Chiropractic works with the nervous system to help make corrections that your body knows how to keep up with. Therefore you can change your posture, do it long term and not have to worry about thinking about it, and according to the study have more confidence, all with the help of chiropractic care!

Happy reading!

~Dr. Cynowa

Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is a quick one, but this topic has come up more times than expected in the last 2 weeks. Last week and this week I have had two new patients come in with the exact same response. "Doc, I woke up one morning and just like that I couldn't even get up out of bed. I can't think of anything that I did to injure myself, it was just instant pain." They usually go on to tell me that they then proceeded to use heat, a heating pack, hot bath or shower and the only thing that happened over the next few days is that their symptoms got worse.

As a rule of thumb, this is not always, but in my opinion should probably be a 95% rule. When you have an acute or sudden injury, sprain, strain, or pain, please try ice first. It is not always the most pleasant but can save you a world or further trouble and aggravation. Most injuries initially involve swelling and inflammation. Heat, does a great job at increasing blood flow to an area and INCREASING further swelling or inflammation. This equals more pain and suffering on your behalf and no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Instead try ice. Ice is great at DECREASING blood flow temporarily in that area, REDUCING swelling and inflammation and is also a natural analgesic or pain reliever. So lay off the aspirin or Motrin if possible, get an ice pack on there and see what miracles are possible.

Icing guidelines:
1. Use a proper ice pack or ice in a sealed zip-lock bag. (A bag of pees gets warm too fast).
2. Put a paper towel or thin T-Shirt between you and the ice pack. (Freezer burn is not fun and can leave permanent scarring).
3. Ice for 15-20 minutes depending on the area. Take ice off for a minimum of 40-60 minutes.
4. Repeat step 3, 3-4 times per day for maximum results.
5. Any questions, please do not assume and call our office.

Any injury that requires significant icing, pain medication or impairs your function should be properly evaluated by a health care professional sooner than later. Early action can drastically reduce downtime and improve complete healing.

Happy Icing!

~Dr. Cynowa

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What a Hands On adjustment looks like

Many people are afraid of the unknown. Unfortunately this fear prevents us many times from doing great things in life. A Chiropractic adjustment carries with it the potential of improving the quality of your life, improving your immune system and long term health. The link below is a quick video of myself getting adjusted. Enjoy!

~Dr. Cynowa

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gardasil Vaccinations: More bad news!

Gardasil Vaccinations are still a hot topic yet the information on the side effects which started out horrible, is still getting worse. I wrote an article 2 years ago about this vaccine and since have become even more passionate about getting this product away from our kids. It is not my place to tell you how to think or what to do. But when it comes to something with such negative side effects I would be doing the world a dis-service by not voicing my opinion. Below there is a link on a recent update that was run on TV. Further below that is the article that I wrote 2 years ago, which statistically is not up to date. If it was you would be shocked even more.

Article I wrote July-2007:
Gardasil Vaccinations: Safe or Scary?

Over the last few weeks I have encountered a vast number of questions and concerns regarding the new vaccination Gardasil. The new vaccine which is being called the “anti-cancer vaccine” may be a little misleading.
. What is the Gardasil vaccine and what is its’ purpose? The vaccine is meant to prevent certain strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It is known that HPV is an important cofactor in the development of cervical cancer, but only a cofactor. The problem is only a fraction of HPV infections develop into cervical cancer.
Preventing cervical cancer related deaths is a great thing, but, doing this properly needs to be kept in consideration. Currently over 6.2 million Americans encounter an HPV related infection per year. A study in 2002 estimated 253,781 women have cervical cancer and 4,000 deaths result yearly from it.
The true statistics, which you do not hear, are as follows: There are over 100 different strains of HPV. The vaccine only prevents against 4! What is even worse is that among those studied, 90% of all HPV infections clear up on their own. Even worse the study found that of all the HPV infections found, the vaccine would have only provided protection against 3.4% of them.
A recent update that was published on July 3rd of this year has shown that 3 girls have died from the vaccine and there have been over 1,637 adverse reactions reported. Many states have tried to make this a mandatory vaccination for all girls going into middle school but almost all bills have been turned down as of right now.
As with all vaccines, they are a personal choice. Some choices should be left to each individual and not mandatory for all our children. Being informed is the best defense you have.
For more information go to:
~Dr. Cynowa

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fresh Fiber First!

This is a short and sweet tip that can drastically change your energy levels, mood and overall health.

Fresh Fiber First:
Fresh=organic or local foods that are well washed.
Fiber= the fruits and vegetables that you are going to strive to eat.
First= When you are going to eat your fresh fiber.

If you can make a commitment to eat some form of fresh, raw and uncooked vegetables and fruit at the begging of each meal in your day, (breakfast, lunch and dinner) you will notice a significant change by the weeks end. This is a very easy strategy for making a positive lifestyle change that can be implemented on a long term basis. The best part about Fresh Fiber First is you are not taking anything away! Keep eating what you are eating after you get your fresh fiber first.

When you start eating natural foods on a daily basis your body begins to crave it just like you body can crave bad foods. If you had a choice on what foods your body would crave everyday wouldn't you rather it be good natural growing healthy foods that will keep you living much longer? Well you absolutely can, but there are a few strategies that may help you in this transition period.

1. Make a mental commitment that is time based. Ex. I will eat Fresh Fiber First at every meal for 1 full week.
2. Do not get down on yourself or give up when you do not complete your objective. Instead celebrate and congratulate yourself every time you do eat better. When you are unable to just realize that you next meal you will be right back on track.
3. Pre-Plan. Unfortunately it is tough to get these fresh organic fruits and vegetables when you are on the run. So pre planning and packing a lunch or knowing what is for dinner will help. Make a quick list of what you would like to eat and buy smaller quantities from the grocery store 2x/week.
4. As a Dr. Troy Dukowitz says, "Commit and Go." You can procrastinate tomorrow, go get it done today and you will not have to worry about the procrastination.

I have seen patients who have been stuck at a certain weight shed another 5-10 pounds just by using this strategy. Your energy levels will surely go up and you will have less of those highs and lows throughout the day because of the continual energy you are feeding yourself. As for long term health we would have to spend an hour or more just to discuss how much healthier you will be by getting your Fresh Fiber First!

Good luck and enjoy your new week of eating!
~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


For those of you who like to plan ahead, let me tell you about an event you will not want to miss. Friday, August 28th from 12-6 PM. Complete Wellness Chiropractic is having a big grand opening celebration and we would love to have you there. The York County Regional Chamber is doing a ribbon cutting at 12:00 noon and we will have festivities throughout the rest of the day. Bring the family and kids along because we will have music, activities for the kids and free fresh squeezed orange juice for anyone wearing orange! We will have food, tours, free spinal screenings and one of our local sports mascot's having a great time.

We are also pleased to announce that we are now a foundational center for a non profit organization called We Can!. We Can! stands for (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition). We will be holding programs throughout the community for both parents and kids that the entire family can learn from and implement in the household. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the grand opening!

~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We're Open!

We had our official soft opening last week and can't wait to see you in the office! It has been a great journey opening a wellness clinic to this point and the fun is just beginning. Last week we were able to work many of our computer and technology kinks out and are fully integrated at this point. I am proud to say that except for your initial intake forms and paperwork you will receive from us, we are 100% paperless! We have already had Yoga at the office 3 times and look forward to that being one of many ongoing benefits patients at our office have. I will keep everyone posted on the many other great things available to our patients as time goes on. I read a great article last week on keeping healthy while flying and will be commenting on that by next wednesday. Have a great week and thank you for spreading the word of our office opening!

~Dr. Cynowa

Monday, June 22, 2009

Who is backing the news you read?

Often times we watch Oprah, read an article in Newsweek or listen to an update on the radio. Did you even stop and wonder where the information came from? Better yet who pays for the media outlet or is a major money contributor.

The article below looks into this, then goes on further with great health information on the HPV Vaccine, Bio-identical Hormones and Health Strategies for your imediate benefit.

Take a look for yourself!

~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What kind of relationship are you looking for?

While sitting at the Fort Mill Rotary Club meeting today listening to prior host Mike Redding from WCNC, he said something that rang through to me. He was speaking about how today's TV news is total garbage and really not what it should be or used to be. He went on to say that the media today does not truly care about us and is only in it for a short term relationship or a quick glance of your eye. He made the analogy that TV news is comparable to someone going out every night looking for a short term relationship. Responsible reporting, Mike said, should be one that looks to marry its community with quality stories and reporting in order to create a long term relationship, not just a quick glance of the eye.

Coming from someone who has been in TV for many years I assume he knows what he is talking about. Furthermore, since I decided to not have cable TV in my house 5 years ago, becuase of the media, in no way do I consider myself an expert on that subject. I want to now relate this to the relationships you have with your current or prospective doctors or health advisors and quesitions what type of relationship you have. When you ask a friend for a referral to a good doctor (Chiropractor, Dentist, Optometrist, Pediatrician etc...) what kind of relationship are you looking for?

I would be willing to bet most did not answer a short term relationship. Most individuals tell me that when they are searching for a new doctor they are looking for someone they can establish a relationship with, trust and forge a long term professional partnership. I would argue that this is a great thing. If your doctor has taken care of you since you were knee high to a duck, a quick question or concern can be easily answered without jumping through too many hoops.

Now I would ask you to evaluate your current doctors and think about what kind of relationship they have formed with you. Are they asking you lifelong health questions? Did they want to know about your childhood? Do they want to know your future health goals? If you have not seen them in awhile have they reached out to you? Do they have programs that keep you educated and up to date when you are not in the office. If you answered no to any of these answers, I would ask you to take it a step further and make sure you have found the right professionals to be taking care of you.

If you have any questions about how we strive to always go over and above, and how our patients would have to answer yes to all the above answers, feel free to give us a call or email. At Complete Wellness Chiropractic we look forward to the many long term relationships we are making everyday with you and your family, and look forward to taking care of your children's children many years down the road.

~Dr. Cynowa

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Childhood Obesity

You will most likely see many posts on the topic of childhood obesity. It is a major player in robbing our kids of the lives they deserve and the true potential they were born with. At CWC we feel that while taking care of kids and families we wanted to do more especially when it comes to this topic. Therefore Complete Wellness Chiropractic has partnered up with 'We Can!' This is a non-profit organization focused on educating parents and children on easy ways to get fit, increase overall health and live the quality lives they deserve. CWC is currently the first and only foundational center in Fort Mill, SC for We Can! and the the second in Charlotte, NC!

The link below is just one of many showing how this is becoming an epidemic in our society.
~Dr. Cynowa

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Flu Vaccine!

Should you get the flu shot?

I love this topic because the flu and the vaccine are very common all of us. We hear time and time again, "It's that time of year to get your flu shot!" What is comical is that I can bet everyone of you know someone who has went and received a flu shot and within two weeks, got the flu?

I happen to be at Blockbuster last week and heard two women have this exact conversation. After the first woman told her friend that she just got over the flu after getting vaccinated, her friend made a very interesting comment. She stated, "Well, thank goodness you got that flu shot, because if not that flu would have been much worse!"

This is the kind of bad information that is being passed around. Please do your research before getting a flu vaccination. Vaccinations are every one's own personal decision. Any decision made out of fear though, is not a decision I would choose to make. Below is a link with some interesting information that may shed some unknown light on a well known topic.

Oh...and if you were wondering, I had no choice but to let both the ladies know about the pros and cons of the flu shot, and how the major factor is really our immune systems which chiropractic does wonders in boosting!

Watch the video at the end of the link, unfortunately you are sure to get a laugh, but sadly what you are laughing at is the truth of what is in the vaccine.

Copy this link into you browser please; currently just clicking on it will not work, sorry.

~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Non-Smoking in NC!

Wow! Governor Bev Perdue signed a bill yesterday that bans smoking in all North Carolina bars and restaurants. This bill goes into effect in 2010 so there is still smoke to be had in restaurants and bars. The good news is in order to maintain business revenue, you can bet many restaurants and bars will be making arrangements for outdoor smoking areas earlier than 2010! Sorry for all those who still smoke. For all those that do not, enjoy the fresh air inside and outside!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Building an Office vs Building Health

When taking pictures of the office this week I had a revelation on how constructing a building is very similar to building and individuals health. Last week the framing was up and the electrician, HVAC and plumber started working. This week, those three contractors are 90% complete but the pictures do not show the change. On first glance the pictures from last week look very much the same although they are drastically different.

This is very similar to our health. When someone first starts under chiropractic care and begins making lifestyle changes we usually see some initial changes right away. This is comparable to the building getting framed up. It feels good and there is outward noticeable change. There then comes a second stage of care where the body starts to rebuild internally to improve the immune system, organ functions and starts taking care of underlying problems. The problem with this stage is many individuals do not see any outward changes and make the mistake of thinking they are healthy and healed. This would be like stopping construction while all the current contractors are just finishing up. For those who continue improving their health and making quality lifestyle choices the next picture looks drastically different.

I know that next week the insulation and drywall is being installed and cannot wait to see that picture! Make sure that you know what is going on with your body both externally and internally. Do not make a harmful health decision by basing your care and choices on outward symptoms. In our office we use the insight subluxation station certified by the Space Foundation and co-founded by NASA. This technology which we are very proud of objectively analyzes the function of the spine and nervous system which cannot be seen on X-Ray or outward appearances. The scan is painless and the non-invasive tests will help us characterize abnormal activity surrounding your spine to truly access your state of health.

Please visit our website which is up and running with great information about the office!

Have a great week!

Dr. Cynowa

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Colorado Springs!

If you have not seen Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs I suggest you put it on your list of things to see. Even at the beginning of May the snowcapped mountains were a sight to be seen.
This past week I was very fortunate to be part of an elite group of chiropractors at a seminar/retreat called Total Solutions. This retreat brought some of the biggest chiropractors in the profession to speak and the charging force of participants behind them in the field, forging the way to a world of better ‘Health Care.’ The past week was one that can only be told in person to truly understand how great it was. When you hear me speak of it you will understand what I am saying. I am so grateful for the people I have met there and look forward to many long term relationships starting from it. I hope to share that opportunity with many of you sometime soon. Until then let’s take a short trip on what health care really is.
Let me clarify ‘Health Care’ vs. ‘Sickness Care’ because unfortunately the current model of health that our society is living in, is sickness care. Currently the United States ranks almost dead last when compared to 32 other industrialized countries in 34 different health related categories. Yet, the U.S. spends far more than any other country in the world on what is being called health care! What does that tell you? It tells me that what we are currently doing, is not working. We some how have been convinced that short term medicine, or ‘sick care’ should be used on a long term basis. Please do not miss understand what I am saying. Sick care in very necessary for crisis intervention, and absolutely irresponsible for long term change and health.
Sickness Care is currently growing at twice the rate of the GDP which makes it very difficult for individuals to get care, and simultaneously reducing the quality of care by physicians. Fortunately there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a group of individuals who have been speaking about these very issues for the last 117 years and are all around you. They are chiropractors and have been educating individuals about wellness care since the very beginning back in 1895 when D.D. Palmer founded chiropractic. The best part is that wellness works and quite clearly is not going anywhere. Every day there are more and more drugs and surgeries being recommended and more and more people getting sicker and spending more money doing it. At the same time there are many who have learned of chiropractic and the naturally congruent healing potentials that it possesses.
I could tell you about just a small portion of the great research about chiropractic and the associated benefits on issues such as increasing the immune system, cardiac function, vision and improved daily function. I could also tell you about the research showing how chiropractic patients benefit from decreased blood pressure, triglycerides, stress, infantile colic and ear infections and many chronic health issues. But, I will not do that all today and will save these issues for upcoming blogs. If there is ever something specific you are curious about or unsure of please email me so I can blog about it. If you have the question I can guarantee you there are thousands of others with the same questions. My email is
Have a great week and look forward to an update on the new office and a blog about a health related issue by next Wednesday!

Week 3 – May is upon us!

Last week I was unable to give updates due to being on a 6,000 acre ranch in Colorado Springs, but I will make up for it this week. I have included a separate blog post that has some good starter information on sickness care vs. health care. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with this as it will help with future topics we discuss.
As for the building, last week the cement was poured and we are well on our way to true form taking shape. This week as of Tuesday the majority of the framing is finished and in comes the electrician and HVAC technicians tomorrow! After speaking with a few contractors, I can’t wait for ya’ll to see the front desk we are building along with the 90 gallon salt water tank that will be in the front waiting room for you and your family to enjoy. Our grand opening is in the works and we have some big things in store. I will not give away any of the details yet but I can guarantee it is going to be something extraordinary and blast for the entire family!
Go out and make it a point to do something great this week!
~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 17th - Week 1

Building permits have been processed and we have broken ground! Lots of activity happening and many decisions are being made. Thanks to all those who have caught our enthusiasm and are on board with our mission to serve the community. Check back next week, we should be pouring concrete and have our first wellness update!
~Dr Cynowa

Monday, April 20, 2009

CWC's Vision, Values and Mission Statements

Vision Statement:
The Vision of Complete Wellness Chiropractic is to maintain the highest quality of life worldwide through education of total body wellness. This will be accomplished by prevention and maintenance of the vertebral subluxation complex. It will be accompanied by holistic therapies and education regarding nutrition, locomotion, and mental well being. Although handled exceptionally well, pain will not be a primary focus. Complete health can be achieved by awakening the conscious knowledge of the innate healing power contained within every individual from infant to elderly. The genuine principle of maintaining positive health is so that each individual can contribute to the greater good of society.

Complete Wellness Chiropractic will be an intricate part of its community within health care and community service. It will be looked upon highly by others in the profession for continuous improvements in technology, best practices and patient services. It will hold itself to the highest ethical and moral standards, never taking part in endeavors that compromise the integrity of its name or profession. Complete Wellness Chiropractic will be looked upon for guidance in future health care decisions on a global scale. Complete Wellness Chiropractic will be a highly profitable wellness facility that always practices givers gain.

CWC’s Value Statement:
At Complete Wellness Chiropractic we believe that the body is a self healing masterpiece, pre-programmed for homeostasis. We believe that through proper maintenance of the nervous system and careful consideration of genetic requirements, the body can maintain the highest level of functioning.

We are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We are responsible to our patients, to CWC employees and their families, and to the communities we serve.
At CWC we highly believe in the following values:

We value the whole person – mind, body and spirit
We provide compassionate and competent chiropractic and wellness care
We focus on the person, not the illness
We strive for continuous improvement in the quality of our services
We value financial responsibility and its utilization

We have an absolute commitment to these values which shape the way we provide care. Our patients and employees are the most valued assets of CWC.

CWC’s Expanded Mission Statement:
The mission of Complete Wellness Chiropractic is to serve our patients and community with high quality, affordable health care in a comfortable, caring and positive environment. We will treat each patient as a unique individual with specific health needs and wants. Our primary goal is to add more life and energy to your living through a holistic approach, whereby we treat the entire person, not just their symptoms. We commit to present a program of wellness care for our patients so they may gain the preventative benefits associated with chiropractic. To accomplish this, we will strive to act as educators, healers, and health caretakers so we may be able to bring the health benefits of chiropractic within the understanding and availability to all. This will allow others to experience all aspects of having a healthy spine and nervous system. Our mission is to help you reach your health goals for the rest of your lifetime, and for generations to come.

Welcome Note

Hello and thanks for exploring my blog!

Within this blog you will find some valuable information about the insights into Complete Wellness Chiropractic and the people involved. I will be posting regularly on this blog with initially with updates on how our progress is doing and where we are at, or are going to be in the community. I will also regularly posting health updates and many peer reviewed articles on the Gold Standard of health and how we get our patients to a higher quality of life.

Thanks again for being a part of Complete Wellness Chiropractic!

~Dr. Cynowa