Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gardasil Vaccinations: More bad news!

Gardasil Vaccinations are still a hot topic yet the information on the side effects which started out horrible, is still getting worse. I wrote an article 2 years ago about this vaccine and since have become even more passionate about getting this product away from our kids. It is not my place to tell you how to think or what to do. But when it comes to something with such negative side effects I would be doing the world a dis-service by not voicing my opinion. Below there is a link on a recent update that was run on TV. Further below that is the article that I wrote 2 years ago, which statistically is not up to date. If it was you would be shocked even more.


Article I wrote July-2007:
Gardasil Vaccinations: Safe or Scary?

Over the last few weeks I have encountered a vast number of questions and concerns regarding the new vaccination Gardasil. The new vaccine which is being called the “anti-cancer vaccine” may be a little misleading.
. What is the Gardasil vaccine and what is its’ purpose? The vaccine is meant to prevent certain strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It is known that HPV is an important cofactor in the development of cervical cancer, but only a cofactor. The problem is only a fraction of HPV infections develop into cervical cancer.
Preventing cervical cancer related deaths is a great thing, but, doing this properly needs to be kept in consideration. Currently over 6.2 million Americans encounter an HPV related infection per year. A study in 2002 estimated 253,781 women have cervical cancer and 4,000 deaths result yearly from it.
The true statistics, which you do not hear, are as follows: There are over 100 different strains of HPV. The vaccine only prevents against 4! What is even worse is that among those studied, 90% of all HPV infections clear up on their own. Even worse the study found that of all the HPV infections found, the vaccine would have only provided protection against 3.4% of them.
A recent update that was published on July 3rd of this year has shown that 3 girls have died from the vaccine and there have been over 1,637 adverse reactions reported. Many states have tried to make this a mandatory vaccination for all girls going into middle school but almost all bills have been turned down as of right now.
As with all vaccines, they are a personal choice. Some choices should be left to each individual and not mandatory for all our children. Being informed is the best defense you have.
For more information go to: www.mothering.com.articles/growing_child/vaccines/gardasil.html.
~Dr. Cynowa

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