Monday, December 14, 2009

Our way of helping others and giving back.

Imagine the following...You hear a dispute going on late at night at a neighbors house followed by police sirens and flashing lights.  You continue to see the lights outside for the next 30 minutes and then silence.  You later come to find out that there was a domestic dispute and potential abuse to a young child.  Where did that child go?  Well, typically they are taken by police to the department of social services sometimes in the middle of the night wearing only their pajamas .  If the department of social services cannot find a foster family that night, the Children's Attention Home is contacted to see if they have 1 of their 42 beds open to take another child on. 

Recently my staff and I were very fortunate to have come across this organization that we now feel very passionate about.  The Children's Attention Home in Rock Hill, SC.  After going and visiting the Attention Home, it would be hard to fully explain the love and dedication all the staff and volunteers had towards these kids and my feelings as well.  The Children's Attention Home is a place for neglected, abused or abandoned children who have been removed from their homes.  These children from infants to teenagers typically stay at the home on average for 90 days.  The Home has its own school for those up to 8th grade including kindergarten.  Those in high school are transferred to the local high school until court decisions can be made for where they will go.  I will not give you the statistics on child abuse and neglect, but after reading them I was appalled and realized the need for such a place.

This December we have taken on the Children's Attention Home as our own and are donating, with the help of our patients, as many gift cards for the kids as we can.  Angel Tree is taking care of all the Christmas presents for the kids so the director at the Home stated that the best thing they need are things to take their children's minds off current situations.  She stated that gift cards to pizza places, bowling alleys, movie theaters, or clothing stores are very useful. 

For the entire month of December we decided that in exchange for a $20 gift card to any of the above places, we will give anyone new to our office their first day exam and visit for no charge.  At the end of the month we will be taking all our gift cards down to donate to the children. 

We didn't want to leave our current patients out either, so this week all day on Thursday, December 17th, all current patient will get their adjustment for the same exchange of a $20 gift card to be donated the Attention Home.

Of course anyone who wants to give a donation is more than welcome to at anytime.  I included their website as well for those of you looking for more info or other ways to donate to such a great place.

We really appreciate all your help.  We feel that just like us 1 month ago, if we are not telling others about great places like this, many will not know and many kids will not get the help the need and deserve.  Thanks again.

~Dr. Cynowa and Staff

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