Monday, October 5, 2009

Bad Posture; Bad Thoughts

Study reports how posture affects your thoughts and confidence!

This is a very fun study that may have you thinking slightly more next time you are slouching down in your chair at school or work.

Towards the end of the article Petty made an interesting point: "That suggests people's thoughts are influenced by their posture, even though they don't realize that is what's happening."

Subtleties in posture are controlled by your unconscious mind. You can be aware that your shoulders are slouched forward and correct them. As soon as your mind or attention is occupied by something else, your shoulders go right back to where they were without you realizing it.

Chiropractic works with the nervous system to help make corrections that your body knows how to keep up with. Therefore you can change your posture, do it long term and not have to worry about thinking about it, and according to the study have more confidence, all with the help of chiropractic care!

Happy reading!

~Dr. Cynowa

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