Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Building an Office vs Building Health

When taking pictures of the office this week I had a revelation on how constructing a building is very similar to building and individuals health. Last week the framing was up and the electrician, HVAC and plumber started working. This week, those three contractors are 90% complete but the pictures do not show the change. On first glance the pictures from last week look very much the same although they are drastically different.

This is very similar to our health. When someone first starts under chiropractic care and begins making lifestyle changes we usually see some initial changes right away. This is comparable to the building getting framed up. It feels good and there is outward noticeable change. There then comes a second stage of care where the body starts to rebuild internally to improve the immune system, organ functions and starts taking care of underlying problems. The problem with this stage is many individuals do not see any outward changes and make the mistake of thinking they are healthy and healed. This would be like stopping construction while all the current contractors are just finishing up. For those who continue improving their health and making quality lifestyle choices the next picture looks drastically different.

I know that next week the insulation and drywall is being installed and cannot wait to see that picture! Make sure that you know what is going on with your body both externally and internally. Do not make a harmful health decision by basing your care and choices on outward symptoms. In our office we use the insight subluxation station certified by the Space Foundation and co-founded by NASA. This technology which we are very proud of objectively analyzes the function of the spine and nervous system which cannot be seen on X-Ray or outward appearances. The scan is painless and the non-invasive tests will help us characterize abnormal activity surrounding your spine to truly access your state of health.

Please visit our website which is up and running with great information about the office!

Have a great week!

Dr. Cynowa

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