Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Flu Vaccine!

Should you get the flu shot?

I love this topic because the flu and the vaccine are very common all of us. We hear time and time again, "It's that time of year to get your flu shot!" What is comical is that I can bet everyone of you know someone who has went and received a flu shot and within two weeks, got the flu?

I happen to be at Blockbuster last week and heard two women have this exact conversation. After the first woman told her friend that she just got over the flu after getting vaccinated, her friend made a very interesting comment. She stated, "Well, thank goodness you got that flu shot, because if not that flu would have been much worse!"

This is the kind of bad information that is being passed around. Please do your research before getting a flu vaccination. Vaccinations are every one's own personal decision. Any decision made out of fear though, is not a decision I would choose to make. Below is a link with some interesting information that may shed some unknown light on a well known topic.

Oh...and if you were wondering, I had no choice but to let both the ladies know about the pros and cons of the flu shot, and how the major factor is really our immune systems which chiropractic does wonders in boosting!

Watch the video at the end of the link, unfortunately you are sure to get a laugh, but sadly what you are laughing at is the truth of what is in the vaccine.

Copy this link into you browser please; currently just clicking on it will not work, sorry.

~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Non-Smoking in NC!

Wow! Governor Bev Perdue signed a bill yesterday that bans smoking in all North Carolina bars and restaurants. This bill goes into effect in 2010 so there is still smoke to be had in restaurants and bars. The good news is in order to maintain business revenue, you can bet many restaurants and bars will be making arrangements for outdoor smoking areas earlier than 2010! Sorry for all those who still smoke. For all those that do not, enjoy the fresh air inside and outside!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Building an Office vs Building Health

When taking pictures of the office this week I had a revelation on how constructing a building is very similar to building and individuals health. Last week the framing was up and the electrician, HVAC and plumber started working. This week, those three contractors are 90% complete but the pictures do not show the change. On first glance the pictures from last week look very much the same although they are drastically different.

This is very similar to our health. When someone first starts under chiropractic care and begins making lifestyle changes we usually see some initial changes right away. This is comparable to the building getting framed up. It feels good and there is outward noticeable change. There then comes a second stage of care where the body starts to rebuild internally to improve the immune system, organ functions and starts taking care of underlying problems. The problem with this stage is many individuals do not see any outward changes and make the mistake of thinking they are healthy and healed. This would be like stopping construction while all the current contractors are just finishing up. For those who continue improving their health and making quality lifestyle choices the next picture looks drastically different.

I know that next week the insulation and drywall is being installed and cannot wait to see that picture! Make sure that you know what is going on with your body both externally and internally. Do not make a harmful health decision by basing your care and choices on outward symptoms. In our office we use the insight subluxation station certified by the Space Foundation and co-founded by NASA. This technology which we are very proud of objectively analyzes the function of the spine and nervous system which cannot be seen on X-Ray or outward appearances. The scan is painless and the non-invasive tests will help us characterize abnormal activity surrounding your spine to truly access your state of health.

Please visit our website which is up and running with great information about the office!

Have a great week!

Dr. Cynowa

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Colorado Springs!

If you have not seen Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs I suggest you put it on your list of things to see. Even at the beginning of May the snowcapped mountains were a sight to be seen.
This past week I was very fortunate to be part of an elite group of chiropractors at a seminar/retreat called Total Solutions. This retreat brought some of the biggest chiropractors in the profession to speak and the charging force of participants behind them in the field, forging the way to a world of better ‘Health Care.’ The past week was one that can only be told in person to truly understand how great it was. When you hear me speak of it you will understand what I am saying. I am so grateful for the people I have met there and look forward to many long term relationships starting from it. I hope to share that opportunity with many of you sometime soon. Until then let’s take a short trip on what health care really is.
Let me clarify ‘Health Care’ vs. ‘Sickness Care’ because unfortunately the current model of health that our society is living in, is sickness care. Currently the United States ranks almost dead last when compared to 32 other industrialized countries in 34 different health related categories. Yet, the U.S. spends far more than any other country in the world on what is being called health care! What does that tell you? It tells me that what we are currently doing, is not working. We some how have been convinced that short term medicine, or ‘sick care’ should be used on a long term basis. Please do not miss understand what I am saying. Sick care in very necessary for crisis intervention, and absolutely irresponsible for long term change and health.
Sickness Care is currently growing at twice the rate of the GDP which makes it very difficult for individuals to get care, and simultaneously reducing the quality of care by physicians. Fortunately there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a group of individuals who have been speaking about these very issues for the last 117 years and are all around you. They are chiropractors and have been educating individuals about wellness care since the very beginning back in 1895 when D.D. Palmer founded chiropractic. The best part is that wellness works and quite clearly is not going anywhere. Every day there are more and more drugs and surgeries being recommended and more and more people getting sicker and spending more money doing it. At the same time there are many who have learned of chiropractic and the naturally congruent healing potentials that it possesses.
I could tell you about just a small portion of the great research about chiropractic and the associated benefits on issues such as increasing the immune system, cardiac function, vision and improved daily function. I could also tell you about the research showing how chiropractic patients benefit from decreased blood pressure, triglycerides, stress, infantile colic and ear infections and many chronic health issues. But, I will not do that all today and will save these issues for upcoming blogs. If there is ever something specific you are curious about or unsure of please email me so I can blog about it. If you have the question I can guarantee you there are thousands of others with the same questions. My email is
Have a great week and look forward to an update on the new office and a blog about a health related issue by next Wednesday!

Week 3 – May is upon us!

Last week I was unable to give updates due to being on a 6,000 acre ranch in Colorado Springs, but I will make up for it this week. I have included a separate blog post that has some good starter information on sickness care vs. health care. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with this as it will help with future topics we discuss.
As for the building, last week the cement was poured and we are well on our way to true form taking shape. This week as of Tuesday the majority of the framing is finished and in comes the electrician and HVAC technicians tomorrow! After speaking with a few contractors, I can’t wait for ya’ll to see the front desk we are building along with the 90 gallon salt water tank that will be in the front waiting room for you and your family to enjoy. Our grand opening is in the works and we have some big things in store. I will not give away any of the details yet but I can guarantee it is going to be something extraordinary and blast for the entire family!
Go out and make it a point to do something great this week!
~Dr. Cynowa