Thursday, February 16, 2012

Vitamin D - A Very Versatile Vitamin!

Vitamin D is our product of the month at Complete Wellness Chiropractic, and for very good reason!  With decreased daylight due to weather and the shortened winter days, it becomes necessary to supplement our bodies when we can't naturally produce this vitamin. 

Did you know that Vitamin D helps...
Heart health
Cell formation and cell longevity
Skin health
Pancreatic health
Aging process
Sleep patterns
Reproductive health
Athletic performance
Eye health
Vascular system health
Respiratory health
Immune health
Healthy mood and feelings of well-being
Weight management
Hair and hair follicles
Strong and healthy bones, because vitamin D encourages calcium uptake
Proper digestion and food absorption

Vitamin D plays such an important role in keeping our bodies functioning properly that supplementation becomes necessary when our bodies cannot produce enough. Whether you just need a boost for your mood or immune system, our office offers both liquid and powder forms to put you on the right track towards health!

To produce Vitamin D, your body has to absorb UVB rays from the sun. The problem is that UVA rays (which cause more damage to your skin than UVB) make up most of our UV sunlight exposure and do NOT help your body to produce Vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight can cause other numerous problems, but if you are determined to get your Vitamin D sufficiency from the sun, here a few guidelines:
     -you'll get the necessary UVB rays between 10am and 2pm (varies according to latitude)
     -40% of your skin should be exposed for optimal Vitamin D output ( "torso produces the 
        most, legs and arms some, hands and face very little or none at all")
     -skin pigmentation does affect the length of time needed in the sun (15 min for fair 
        skin and up to 1.5 hours for darker skin)
      -for people under the age of 20 and over the age of 60, it can take up to 4x as long for 
        Vitamin D synthesis
      -sunscreen with an SPF as low as 8 can block up to 95% of Vitamin D production
     -being in Fort Mill we are able to get UVB rays all year round, but anything north of 40  
        degrees latitude will have certain months where Vitamin D production is not possible
     -higher altitudes (mountains) have more UVB exposure
     -cloud cover and air pollution filter out some UVB rays
     -glass filters out UVB rays completely but NOT UVA rays

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