Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cleaning Green

Natural cleaners not only saving the enviroment but also saves your health. It is very easy to just grab the off the counter cleaners while these cleaners may get the job done but with the bleach and ammonia they are detramental to your eyes, breathing passages and if long enough exposed your nerves.  

With these few simple ingredients you can make you most basic cleaning solutions you use everyday:

Baking soda

(aka sodium bicarbonate) A deodorizer and gentle scrub; softens hard water, removes acidic stains, and polishes shiny surfaces like stainless steel without scratching.

                                                   Distilled white vinegar
A deodorizer, disinfectant, mild acid, and preservĂ‚­ative; breaks up dirt, grease, mineral deposits, mold, and soap scum.

                                                          Essential oils
Aromatic plant oils; some, including eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree, are natural disinfecĂ‚­tants and antifungals. Pure essential oils can irritate eyes and skin upon contact, so handle carefully. Pregnant women should consult a health-care practitioner before using. Available from and natural foods stores.

A deodorizer, stain remover, and grease cutter; acts as a mild bleach when exposed to sunlight.

                                                             Olive oil
 A natural oil that helps to nourish and polish wood.

All-Purpose Scrub

1/2 cup baking soda
Plant-based liquid soap
1/2 of a lemon

Window Cleaner

1/2 teaspoon Castile or plant-based liquid soap
3 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
2 cups water

Floor Cleaner

1/8 cup plant-based liquid soap
1/8 cup distilled white vinegar
1 gallon water
10 drops essential oil (scent of your choice)

Mold + Mildew Spray

2 cups distilled white vinegar

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who wants to WIN a Grill???

With grill season beginning, Complete Wellness Chiropractic wants to give patients
the chance to win an awesome gas grill! This year is our 3rd annual Great Grill Giveaway!

Patients who get adjusted between July 2nd-July 18th will earn one ticket towards the grill drawing. 
Patients who refer a friend or family member to our office will receive ten tickets.
For those who attend one workshop or Pathways Connect, you will receive two tickets, but if you bring someone with you, you will receive ten tickets! 

First prize is our great gas grill of course!
Second prize is a grill basket which includes grill tools, Mac's sauces and spices, sparklers, and more! 

The grill will be at our office starting on Monday, July 2nd, so make sure you stop by to see the grill and get an adjustment to receive a ticket.

Customer Appreciation Day will be Thursday, July 19th, which will be the day of the
Great Grill Giveaway drawing. Come in for some fresh fruits and juice and see if you will be the lucky winner of the grill or the grill basket!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Tips: Where do you carry your wallet?

Alright guys, where do you carry your wallet? If you answered 'in your back pocket' you may want to reconsider that decision. Think about it... 

You have major sciatic nerves that run down each leg. And when you sit you're crunching those nerves between your wallet and bone. Not to mention that by keeping your wallet on one side, your pelvis is elevated abnormally. Over time this can create permanent postural misalignments as your body tries to adapt to your incorrect posture. 

And don't even think about carrying a thin wallet in your back pocket. Even the thinnest wallet will still elevate your pelvis abnormally and cause microtraumas every time you sit.

Just carry it in your front pocket!

Thanks to Stephen and Katina who benefited from this advice and inspired this post!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Patient of the Month - Jack!

Jack has seen some great changes since beginning chiropractic care, and we would love to share them with you as well!

"I had terrible pain in my neck that ran down my arm like electric shocks. After treatment, the pain slowly went away and overall health improved. 
I also noticed fewer colds, etc."

Jack is also a graduate of the Functional Movement program!
Balance increased by 10%!
Flexibility increased by 40%!
Coordination increased by 25%!
Strength increased by 60%!
Posture increased by 10%

Congratulations to Jack and all the rest of our patients who have seen the benefits of consistent chiropractic care.  Healing takes time and your health is worth it!

Monday, June 4, 2012


In 1534, French explorer Jacques Cartier was leading an expedition up the St. Lawrence River. Trapped by bad weather, Cartier and his crew were forced to survive on a ration of salted meat and biscuits. Cartier's crew began to suffer from severe deficiency of vitamin C and showed symptoms of scurvy. Many crewmembers died before the surviving members encountered a friendly Native American who saved most of their lives. He told them to make a tea from the bark and needles of the pine tree to cure their malady. They complied and, as a result, Cartier and many crewmembers survived.

Some 400 years later, Professor Jacques Masquelier of the University of Bordeaux, France, read a book by Cartier detailing their expedition. He concluded that pine bark not only contained some vitamin C, but obviously was a good source of bioflavonoids, whose effects are similar to those of vitamin C. Further studies and research revealed that the pine bark contained an array of proanthocyanidins complexes. These compounds were also found in a variety of plants, including grape seeds, cranberries, peanut skin, lemon tree bark and citrus rinds. Masquelier termed the active ingredients of the pine bark "pycnogenols", which today are referred to in the scientific community as oligomeric proanthocyanidins, or OPCs. 

Benefits of OPC-3:
Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity
Powerful free radical scavenger
Supports cardiovascular health
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Helps maintain healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries, and veins
Supports healthy blood vessel dialation by promoting healthy nitric oxide levels
Supports healthy platelet activity
Helps maintain joint flexibility
Helps reduce mild menstrual cramping and abdominal pain
Helps support visual health and acuity
Supports a healthy complexion
Supports healthy blood glucose levels
Supports sperm quality