Monday, May 21, 2012

Let's Get Moving!

Our Movement Workshop is tomorrow night (Tuesday May 22 @ 6pm), so we decided to take some time out to go over some of the benefits of getting active. 

Did you know that if you took a 30 minute brisk walk everyday you could: 

  • Prevent up to 91 percent of cases of obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Prevent up to 50 percent of all cases of heart disease
  • Reduce risk of stroke by 25-30 percent
  • Prevent up to 50 percent of all stroke deaths
  • Reduce congestive heart disease deaths by 63 percent
  • Reduce hospital readmission for heart failure patients by 70 percent
  • Normalize blood pressure and reduce risk of developing high blood pressure
  • Restore or maintain heart and blood vessel health
  • Restore and maintain normal cholesterol triglyceride levels
  • Reduce risk of breast cancer up to 60 percent
  • Reduce pancreatic cancer in overweight people by 50 percent
  • Reduce lung cancer, even in smokers by 72 percent
  • Prevent up to 50 percent of colon cancer
  • Reduce risk of developing, and improve outcomes of these with, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Prevent osteoporosis and increase new bone formation
  • Increase strength, flexibility and balance
  • Decrease gallbladder removal by 20 percent and decrease gallstones
  • Improve digestion and decrease indigestion
  • Improve bowel function and elimination
  • Increase immune system function
  • Increase macrophage (anti-tumor) activity and antioxidant levels
  • Decrease all-causes of mortality by 67 percent in general population    
  • Prevent up to 47 percent of cognitive impairment, prevent u pot 62 percent of Alzheimer's and 52 percent of dementia
  • Improve physical function in older adults
  • Decrease chance of ever being in a nursing home
  • Decrease rate of aging 
  • Enhance learning by 12 times
  • Increase dopamine and serotonin levels 
  • Decrease depression by 20 percent, including relapse
  • Increased growth and healing hormones 
  • Decrease stress and body breakdown hormones
  • Decrease body fat, obesity, and weight gain 
(taken from Innate Physical Fitness by James Chestnut)

Being active and moving provides your body with necessary nutrients. Exercise is a requirement for your body, not just a means to 'look good'.  If the above didn't inspire you to move, maybe this will!
We do not stop exercising because we grow old.
We grow old because we stop exercising. 


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Racheal is Pregnant!

Yes, the word is finally out! Racheal is having another baby! She's keeping the due date a secret, but we think that she is due sometime in October. When you see her, be sure to congratulate her!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why Do You Need Probiotics?

Probiotics are the 'good' bacteria that live in your gut. And like all things in the body, there is a delicate balance that must be maintained to keep you healthy. A poor diet, alcohol, prescription drugs, traveling, frequent illnesses, antibiotics, and aging are some of the factors that can create probiotic deficiency in your body. 

Some symptoms of probiotic deficiency can include bad breath, frequent colds or illnesses, indigestion, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea, fatigue, IBS, and yeast infections.

We get our first good dose of probiotics during vaginal birth, and then through breast milk. This gives our digestive tracts a healthy start. 

Probiotics are essential to helping us digest foods and helping us absorb the nutrients in our foods.

Probiotic benefits:
  • provides beneficial bacteria to help maintain optimal bacterial balance
  • promotes a strong immune system
  • promotes bowel regularity and stomach comfort
  • promotes colon health
  • supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract
  • supports healthy teeth
  • supports a healthy urinary tract
  • supports the body's normal resistance to yeast
  • supports a healthy upper digestive tract 

It is important to supplement with probiotics to ensure that your body is functioning optimally.  We offer our patients high quality Innate Choice probiotics as a healthy lifestyle option!