Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

From our family at Complete Wellness Chiropractic we wanted to extend a very Merry Christmas to you and your family! We hope as the holidays are upon us that you are able to enjoy family and friends and give thanks for all that is around. We took a few moments to reflect back on the many great things we too are grateful for in 2010 and wanted to share a few with you.

2010 was a fantastic year for us; our gratitude goes out to all the amazing patients we have grown with and everyone who has helped us in our many endeavors this year. When looking back on 2010 we hope you also have had many great changes and hopefully many in your health as well. This year we have had the opportunity to journey with hundreds of new and past individuals on a path to improved health and quality of life.

To include all the miracles we have seen this year would be impossible but to name just a few, we have seen a reduction of symptoms with allergies, asthma, hyperactivity/attention disorders, depression, anxiety, ear infections, bed wetting, colds and many others. We have seen mothers who now have new babies that were previously unable to conceive, people working who prior to were on long term disability, and even some who have began to smell for the first time in 40 years! The best part about these improvements in health was they were a team effort. Even better, for the first time many individuals were able to grasp a sense of ownership to their health and take it in their own hands while allowing chiropractic care to help them heal naturally and long term. Whether you were one of the many miracles we saw, or you are looking to be one; we look forward to 2011 being another year filled with new miracles including yours.

This year also marked the 1st annual Fam(ily) Jam which raised over $1000 dollars for the Children’s Attention Home! This annual festival also exposed hundreds of attendee’s to 60 + health and wellness vendors while great bands played rock and roll and kids were able to run around having fun. We look forward to Fam Jam 2011 and the lofty goal we have set to raise over $10,000 for the CAH, (hopefully with your help as well)!

We also were the first in Fort Mill to launch a program for the health of all our children in the community. The program is called WE CAN! (Ways To Enhance Children’s Activity and Nutrition) which aims to reduce Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and improve the health and longevity of our youth. We look forward to putting on 3-4 of these programs again in 2011.

Most of all we are proud to be able to bring you the most current wellness knowledge available combined with the knowledge of what kept us healthy over 40 millennia ago. This information has been strategically put together into four workshops we are doing every month on paradigms, nutrition, exercise, and belief systems and look forward to sharing them with you.

Thanks again for being part of our family and a healthy individual in our community!
Dr. Rob Cynowa

Complete Wellness Chiropractic