Wednesday, July 22, 2009


For those of you who like to plan ahead, let me tell you about an event you will not want to miss. Friday, August 28th from 12-6 PM. Complete Wellness Chiropractic is having a big grand opening celebration and we would love to have you there. The York County Regional Chamber is doing a ribbon cutting at 12:00 noon and we will have festivities throughout the rest of the day. Bring the family and kids along because we will have music, activities for the kids and free fresh squeezed orange juice for anyone wearing orange! We will have food, tours, free spinal screenings and one of our local sports mascot's having a great time.

We are also pleased to announce that we are now a foundational center for a non profit organization called We Can!. We Can! stands for (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition). We will be holding programs throughout the community for both parents and kids that the entire family can learn from and implement in the household. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the grand opening!

~Dr. Cynowa

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We're Open!

We had our official soft opening last week and can't wait to see you in the office! It has been a great journey opening a wellness clinic to this point and the fun is just beginning. Last week we were able to work many of our computer and technology kinks out and are fully integrated at this point. I am proud to say that except for your initial intake forms and paperwork you will receive from us, we are 100% paperless! We have already had Yoga at the office 3 times and look forward to that being one of many ongoing benefits patients at our office have. I will keep everyone posted on the many other great things available to our patients as time goes on. I read a great article last week on keeping healthy while flying and will be commenting on that by next wednesday. Have a great week and thank you for spreading the word of our office opening!

~Dr. Cynowa